Garbage disposal is a growing concern across the world. The most common method of waste disposal is …
In agriculture sprayer is a piece of equipment that is used to spray pesticides in the fields. Conve…
The aim is to design and develop an air brakes system based on exhaust gas to reduce the workloads o…
Drowsines and drunk driving are the main causes of road accidents. This paper proposes a real-time d…
Images taken on cameras and mobile phones provide information like date and time of the photo. But w…
The objective of this project is to deisgn, implement and monitor safety parameters at home, shoppin…
GPS navigation apps have proven to be life saver. With a GPS enabled system in hand, it is easy to f…
Braille Pad is a device which displays the next information using the symbols of the Braille. In the…
Fishes are coldblooded creatures. Their development depends intently on the natural circumstances. W…
Pervasive computing uses embedding microprocessors in everyday objects to communicate information. W…