Heat Transfer Laboratory helps the students to understand the basic concepts of heat transfer: Conduction, Convection and Radiation which are the three basic modes for heat transfer to take place. To enhance the practical knowledge of industrial equipments, students perform experiments on some common heat transfer equipments such as Double Pipe Heat Exchanger, Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger and Single Effect Evaporator etc.
Sl.No | Description of Experiment |
1 | To determine the air side and film side heat transfer coefficient by condensing steam in bare vertical tube |
2 | To determine the overall heat transfer coefficient U, and individual heat transfer coefficient for a shell and tube heat exchanger |
3 | To determine the tube side heat transfer coefficient in a vertical condenser at various flow rates of water flowing through the tubes of the condenser. |
4 | To determine the water side heat transfer coefficient when water flows through Helical Coil heated by hot water in a jacketed kettle. |
5 | To determine the wall heat transfer coefficients in a packed bed and establish the relationship between Nusselt number and Reynolds number. |
6 | To find the individual heat transfer coefficient, overall heat transfer coefficients and to draw Wilson’s plot, by conducting experiment on a double pipe heat exchanger |
7 | To find overall heat transfer coefficient for heat transfer in an agitated vessel for unsteady state. |
8 | To determine the tube side heat transfer coefficient in a horizontal condenser at various flow rates of water flowing through the tubes of the condenser. |
9 | To determine the thermal conductivity of the material by transient heat conduction at constant heat flux and to compare with theoretical value |
10 | To conduct the experiment on hot air fluidization with wet granular materials and evaluate the drying process. |
11 | To determine the economy, capacity steam consumption and heat transfer coefficient by evaporating the given feed solution |
12 | To calculate the overall, individual (hot & cold) heat transfer coefficient for two fluids flowing at different flow rates through spiral plate heat exchanger |
13 | To conduct experiment on cross flow heat exchanger & determine the heat transfer coefficient |
14 | To find the air side and film side coefficient when steam condenses in the finned tube and to determine the fin efficiency. |