List of Experiments

Sl.No Description of Experiment
1 To conduct surface evaporation experiment and verify “HIMUS EQUATION”.
2 To determine the diffusion co-efficient (diffusivity) of organic vapour in air & to compare with calculated values from theoretical/ empirical equations.
3 To verify ‘Rayliegh’s Equation by differentially distilling the given binary Mixture (SYSTEM: Methanol-Water)
4 To study the characteristics of steam distillation and to determine (a) vaporization efficiency and (b) thermal efficiency
5 To study the drying characteristics by drying the given sample in a tray Dryer and to determine the mass transfer and heat transfer co-efficient.
6 To study the drying characteristics by drying the given sample in vacuum dryer.
7 To determine the constants of Freundlich Equation from given data and determine increase in percentage of adsorption in a two stage cross current operation over a single stage operation both experimentally and theoretically.
8 To carry out Extraction in a three stage cross current operations and in single Stage operations and find the % increase in solute extracted by three stage cross current .
9 To carry out Leaching in a three stage cross current operations and in a single stage operations and find the % increase in solute leached by three stage cross current (and to determine stage efficiency for both single stage and three stage cross current)
10 To draw the (i) Binodal equilibrium solubility curve for the given Ternary system A (Diluent) – B(Solvent)- C(solute) . Also to plot (ii) N-X-Y co-ordinates and (iii) the Distribution curves (iv) wt fraction C vs wt fraction Bfor (a) systems (a)of Two pairs completely soluble and (b)one pair Partially Soluble (Type-A) and One pair completely soluble and two pairs partially soluble Type-A ex: Toluene (A) –Water (B) - Methanol (C)
11 To determine (i) the specific rate of dissolution of Benzoic acid in sodium hydroxide solution with instantaneous reaction and (ii) the dissolution transfer co- efficient for physical dissolution of Benzoic acid in Deionzed water.
12 To determine the mass transfer coefficient in a wetted wall column.
13 To determine VLE data using a device that ensures equilibrium between the liquid and the vapor.

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