Process control Laboratory provides the basic knowledge of dynamic responses of different systems like single tank, interacting tanks, non-interacting tanks etc. In this lab, the students also become familiar with the various controllers such as PID controller which is widely used in the Chemical Industry.

List of Major Equipment

  • Control Valve Trainer
  • Flapper Nozzle System
  • Pressure Vessel System
  • Set-Ups for carrying out different first and second order systems.

List of Experiments

Sl.No Description of Experiment
1 To study the dynamics of the interacting tanks in series and compare the plots (i) experimental and (ii) theoretical response curves for step change in in-let flow rate for a Two –Tank Interacting System.
2 To study the dynamics of Two –Tank Non-interacting Systems in series and to compare the experimental and theoretical response curves for Step change in in-let flow rate.
3 To study the dynamics of the interacting tanks in series and compare the plots (i) experimental and (ii) theoretical response curves for step change in in-let flow rate for a Two –Tank Interacting System.
4 To study the dynamics of the interacting tanks in series and compare the plots (i) experimental and (ii) theoretical response curves for step change in in-let flow rate for a Two –Tank Interacting System.
5 To study dynamic behaviour of a U tube manometer and to determine the properties, like Overshoot, decay ratio, rise time, Period, natural frequency.
6 To determine the time constant of the given thermometer by for air, water, oil system (a) Evaluating r ‘Resistance’ and ‘Capacitance’ & (b) Transient response study for step changes.
7 To study the performance of ON-OFF/P/PI/PD/PID controllers on flow process.
8 To study the characteristics of Flapper nozzle system using Mechanical/ Electrical Nozzle arrangement.
9 To study the performance of ON-OFF/P/PI/PD/PID controllers on Pressure process.
10 To study the characteristics of linear / equal/ on-off control valve without positioner and with positioner.
11 To study the characteristics of linear / equal/ on-off control valve without positioner and with positioner.
12 To determine the Time Constant of impulse response by graphical method.
13 To study the dynamics of a Two –Tank Non-interacting Systems in series and compare the experimental and theoretical response curves for impulse change in in-let flow rate.
14 To study the dynamics of the interacting tanks in series and compare the plots (i) experimental and (ii) theoretical response curves for impulse change in in-let flow rate for a Two –Tank Interacting System.

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