The Electrical and Electronics Engineering course at MVJCE is intended to provide young graduates with industry-ready foundational skills in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. As one of the core branches of Engineering, EEE provides opportunities in a wide range of fields, including robotics, automatic controls, electric vehicles, smart grids, smart cities, smart devices, biomedical devices and renewable energy, to name a few.
The Curriculum of the EEE course has been designed as per NEP guidelines, with a strong focus on skill development courses, integrated program core courses, program specific electives, certification courses and Multidisciplinary courses. All the recommendations of NEP have been carefully considered while framing the syllabus, with inputs from experts in Industry and Academia.
Domestic wiring, Digital logic design using integrated circuits, Troubleshooting and Diagnosis of electrical appliances, Tinkering lab, Robotics and Industrial Automation lab, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle lab, NI LabView, CNC lab, Internet of Things lab, Software Development lab and Foundation Skills in Integrated Product Development are among the Skill Development courses in the syllabus. Thus, Multidisciplinary education has been carefully packed into the Curriculum through the selection of these courses, to stay on track with the NEP.
Integrated Program Core courses have been designed to provide students with a strong foundation in theoretical concepts as well as hands-on experience. These courses include Analog Electronics and Op-Amps with PSpice, Electrical Machines-1, Electrical Machines-II, Microcontroller and ARM Processor, Control System Engineering with MATLAB, Power Electronics with MATLAB, Power System Engineering-II, Signals and Digital Signal Processing, and Switchgear and Protection.
Various courses offered by organizations such as TATA Power Skill Development Institute, SWAYAM, Coursera, NASSCOM, INFOSYS and Indian Institute of Remote Sensing have been included in the Curriculum, as Certification Courses. The mandatory nine-month Internship with Industries and researchers serves to offer practical experience to students, and enhances their employability. There is a provision in the Curriculum for students to earn a Minor degree in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Internet of Things etc., or an Honors degree, while acquiring a Major degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. This is in line with the flexibile approach suggested in NEP.
The EEE course Curriculum is designed to make students think out-of-the-box, come up with innovative ideas and develop sustainable solutions for societal problems. Through the Curriculum, students are groomed into holistic engineers, possessing not only the skillsets that are needed, but also strength of character and ethical values, as envisaged by NEP.