The astronomy club of MVJCE Bangalore is a club which seeks to create an atmosphere for fostering and nurturing the interest of the students regarding astronomy and astrophysics. It aims to expand the horizons of the students and develop a celestial passion among the students who seek knowledge in this field. The club helps the students to develop a better understanding of these mysterious forces in nature and what governs them. The major motivation of the club is to gather all the enthusiasts of astronomy and work together; So that we may understand and help others understand the innate beauty of the universe.
The Aero Modelling club comprises the glider section; the wire-controlled, powered, fixed-wing aircraft model’s section; the remotely controlled fixed-wing aircraft flight simulator section; and the remotely controlled fixed-wing aircraft section. Students fabricate models from balsa wood and assemble knocked-down kits. The college regularly organises aero modellers’ meets, participates in competitions, and plans to develop more futuristic models. The Aero Modelling Club will soon include activities involving RC helicopters, aircraft with auto stabilisers and jet engine-powered models
The UAV Club helps the students to learn and understand the design and fabrication of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. It encompasses the application of Aerodynamics and Stability in a real aircraft model and helps the students to get a hands-on understanding in Aeronautical Engineering. The Club conducts workshops for helping the students in fabricating these model aircrafts. The Club has signed a MoU with Avian Aerospace and they are setting up a UAV LAB in the campus. Our students have created many models of different types via Quad copters, Hexa- -copters and fixed wing aircrafts which are in the UAV lab and are to be modified to improve their performance.