The workshop focussed on the state-of-art concepts of Cobotics in Healthcare sectors and the framework of IOT and the cloud concepts for developing prototypes.
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organized a Guest Lecture on the topic “Career Prospective in Embedded Domain” on August 12, 2023. The event was held at Seminar Hall 4. The expert speaker was Sri Anil Achoora, Lead Engineer, Siemens, Bangalore, India.
MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore, in association with IQAC organized a Motivational Talk - “Breaking Barriers: - Empowering Persons with differently abled through SDG-driven inclusive Technology” on 09/02/2024 from 11:30am to 12:30pm. The main objective of the session is to motive students to understand the GATE way to Higher Education in India and Jobs in PSUs.
- The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Industrial IOT, organized a Guest Lecture on the topic ‘Web Technologies’ on 27th Januarary 2024.The event was held at Seminar Hall 4. The expert speaker was "Shri. Anil T Chacko, Manager, Capgemini " Bangalore, India. He is alumnus of MVJCE from 1994 batch. From ECE department 104 students participated in the event.
Two-day Workshop on ‘Convergence of IoT and big data’ was organized by the ECE and IIOT Department 5th and 6th March 2024. The Workshop received an overwhelming response, with 69 participants. The work shop was an amalgamation of lecture sessions and demonstration of the IoT Components.