Guest Lecture on Healthcare innovations with Cobotics & IOT was organized by the ECE and IIOT Department on 1st December 2023. The Workshop received an overwhelming response, with 53 participants.
The program was presided over by Principal Dr. V. Suresh Babu, MVJCE, Dr. Srinivas Gombi, Dean Academics, MVJCE and HOD, ECE Department Dr. Sajithra Varun. The session started at 10:00 am with fifty-three registered participants including students from various departments of MVJCE.
The workshop focussed on the state-of-art concepts of Cobotics in Healthcare sectors and the framework of IOT and the cloud concepts for developing prototypes.
The Guest Lecture began with Ms.Ashwini Bai,7th sem ECE student welcoming the guest and gathering. The chief guest of day was Dr. Vivek Maik, Principal Scientist, IIT, Madras. The program began with an invocation song by Mahi, 5th sem, CSE student, MVJCE. Followed by which Principal, Dr. Suresh Babu gave the welcome address and welcomed the guest for the day. Sir briefed the importance of club events, benefits and conveyed good wishes for the success of the program.
Welcome address by Principal Dr.V.Suresh Babu, MVJCE
Welcoming the guest Dr.Vivek Maik, Principal Scientist, IIT, Madras
Followed by the welcome address by Principal, Ms.Gowri Krishnan Nair, 1st year, CSE, introduced the guest Dr. Vivek Maik, Principal Scientist, IIT, Madras. As a token of appreciation Bouquet and memento was presented to the chief guest Dr.Vivek Maik by Principal Dr.V.Suresh Babu and Dean Academics, Dr.Srinivas Gombi.
Introducing the guest Dr.Vivek Maik, Principal Scientist, IIT, Madras
Followed by introducing the guest, Dr.Vivek Maik started the session. Students were given complete insight to the facilities available in IIT, Madras. Brief introduction to all the twenty Centre of Excellences and its wide opportunity for students to pursue their higher studies were explained in detail. The focus of the session was the various innovations in Healthcare sector by Cobotics and IOT.
Dr.Vivek Maik, Principal Scientist during the session
Guest briefing about the opportunities in IIT, Madras
The session focussed on how to convert the conceptual ideas into product and commercialization. The importance of robotics and IOT in health care sectors and different use cases like spine surgery, knee surgery etc were discussed in brief. Surgical robotics designed to enhance the existing treatment with minimal invasive operations were showcased with various examples. Students were made to understand the logic behind how to design robot for particular use cases and the current demand in our country was elaborated.
Participants given insight to different use cases
The difference between Artificial intelligence, Machine learning and deep learning for different applications were described with various examples. Vitality of Internet of Things in healthcare and its transformation over the period of time with long term benefits of human being were focussed. The last half an hour was involved with interaction with the guest during which the students were able to clear more doubts on the practical aspects of cobotics in healthcare.
Followed by the interactive session,Ashwini,7th sem student presented the vote of thanks. Certificates were distributed to the registered participants by the chief guest.
Certificate distribution by Guest to the participants
Dr.Vivek Maik, Principal Scientist ,IIT, Madras with the participants