The objective of the contest is to encourage the students to innovate new product ideas that will help the society in particular and the economy in general. The objective of the contest is to improve the real-time problem-solving skills and to develop solution by using hardware and software models.
This electronics design contest helped students to design circuits to build real time autonomous systems as a whole or a part of the system. Students were able to understand the application of various circuit design tools like PCB design software, Audrino studio, Matlab etc.
Dr. S J Sugumar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, MVJCE, introduced the chief guest Mr. Gowrish Banavathi Viswanath, Specialist at Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Private Limited Bengaluru.
Mr. Gowrish shared his experiences of learning subjects and their application in Industries. He motivated students to involve in such kind of circuit design contest and the type of skills developed by these activities during the course of study.
The students of 6th semester and 4th semester designed and developed circuits for various applications and demonstrated the same to the chief guest. Mr. Gowrish gave patient hearing to all the demonstrations given by the students and shortlisted the winners of the circuit design contest.
Project Title: Smart Pill Dispenser
Prize winners:
Project Title: Antenna Design Based on Meta-Materials
Prize winners:
Project Title: Remote Engine Start and Anti-Theft Lock for Automobiles
Prize winners:
Project Title: Non-Contact Voltage Tester
Prize winners: