A five-day FDP on ‘Internet of Things & Enabling Technologies’ was organized by the ECE Department, from 22nd March 2022 to 26th March 2022. The FDP program received an overwhelming response, with more than 40 participants attending it, enthusiastically. This FDP was planned for 5 days, to include technical hands-on sessions as well as lecture sessions on topics like weather monitoring system and Cloud Information.
The program was presided over by Dr. P Mahabaleshwarappa (Principal, MVJCE) and Dr. M Brindha (Vice Principal, MVJCE). The session started at 10:30 am with 40 participants that included faculty members from various departments of MVJCE.
This FDP, designed with state-of-the-art concepts of IoT and enabling technology, comprised of theoretical as well as hands-on sessions. Half of the program focussed on theory, use–case demonstrations, and research-oriented discussions which will be helpful in understanding the process. The other half was devoted to applications and practical implementation (hands-on). In short, this FDP covered IOT, MQTT, WSN and Machine Learning concepts, Types of Learning, Applications of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Block chain applications in areas such as Internet of Things (IoT) - all these topics handled by experts from reputed Industries and academic institutions - with an aim to improving the understanding of this highly technical field. This will, in turn, improve the quality of teaching, which will motivate students to take on the challenges in this interdisciplinary field.
The course was intended to make the participants aware, and be able to work on this emerging area. Around 40 participants attended this course to acquire knowledge in the area of designing projects and applications, using IoT. The program commenced on 22nd March 2022, with an introductory and motivational speech by Dr. P Mahabaleshwarappa (Principal, MVJCE).
At the outset, Ms. Snehalatha, Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, MVJCE, welcomed the Chief Guest and other dignitaries, and gave a brief introduction of the course to the participants. She stressed on the need for organizing such courses, so that participants can be exposed to new technologies.
The coordinators, Dr. Kanithan S and Prof. Vijaya Kumar S briefly listed out the applications of IOT in our daily life, and the advantages of using the technology. She explained that the main aim of this course was to present hands-on sessions for the implementation of theoretical concepts.
Mr. Krishna from EdGate Technologies gave a talk on the IoT Lab kits which can be used to do various experiments like Cloud Applications, Embedded Programming, experiments on interfacing with Arduino Uno, WSN applications and IOT applications.
Speaking about embedded systems, Mr. Krishna gave the example of smart street lights, using LDR sensor. He gave an introduction about the tools available for the data analysis of the IoT. He made the participants understand the theoretical as well as practical aspects of different interfaces of sensors, with a demo. In the same session, the expert familiarized participants with Arduino software. Starting with arduino.cc, he showed how to install the software. Then he explained in detail about the various commands of Arduino sketch software, how to write any code in a sketch, how to include and import libraries used in code, how to select the devices to be used etc.
In this session, the participants were introduced to Internet of Things and Enabling Technologies, which included IoT Quiz, Arduino board, Node MCU and introduction to various sensors, followed by project demonstration.
The IoT System developed by EdGate supports lot of features which enable researchers and students to explore different aspects, and develop different applications in the IOT field. The most popular users for realization of IoT are ARM-7, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. EdGate’s IoT Lab Kit comprising of Arduino Uno, ARM-7, Wi-Fi motes along with Raspberry pi and WINGZ, presents a perfect platform for studying and exploring these technologies, with the help of a list of possible experiments, that is provided.
Various experiments were conducted.
Experiment 1: LED ON and OFF, using Arduino board
Faculty working on Arduino
Experiment 2: Relay module interfacing with the Arduino A relay is basically a switch which is operated electrically by electromagnet. A relay can be used to control high voltage electronic devices such as motors, as well as low voltage electronic devices such as a light bulb or a fan. Relays work on the principle of electromagnetism. When electricity is provided to the relay coil, it acts like a magnet and changes the state of the switch. The part which powers the relay module is completely isolated from the part which turns ON or OFF. This is why we can control a 220V appliance by simply using the 5V Arduino.
Experiment 3: Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino
Interfacing of Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino
An Ultrasonic Sensor is a device that measures the distance to an object using sound waves. It works by sending out a sound wave at ultrasonic frequency, and waits for it to bounce back from the object. The time taken between the transmission of the sound and the receiving of the sound is used to calculate the distance.
This session involved identifying different sensors and understanding the use of sensors like Touch Sensors, Smoke Sensors, Light Sensors, Moisture Sensors, Water Sensors, Temperature Sensor.
Faculty practising with Arduino and Arm Boards
The speaker, Mr. Chaitanya Krishna gave an introduction of the Wi-fi module, and explained how this module is used in home automation. After this, he discussed Uno + Wi-Fi module. This module is very helpful in home automation, as the same module can be used either as a wi-fi module or as an Arduino board. In this module, there is no need for relay as required in the ESP8266 module to connect it with the Arduino board. The Speaker then explained IoT with reference to Cayenne cloud, and how a home appliance can be controlled using a wi-fi module and Cayenne cloud, by taking the example of an LED switch whose brightness can be controlled using this cloud.
This session involved communication between end node and WSN coordinators, from sending the sensor data to LCD and receiving it through Bluetooth using serial bit application and various MQTT Protocols for understanding the difference between Arduino and ARM-7 usage in different projects.
Speaker giving a Demonstration on WSN Nodes
In this session, Mr. Praveen from Enthu Technologies gave a talk on the IoT Lab Kits which can be used to do various experiments like LoRa Wan Application Network, LMIC Library Explanation, OTAA sending data, ABP mode sending data and Arduino based LoRa Shield.
He also explained about how to design simple circuits in Arduino with LoRa. This was also a very interesting lecture and all participants enjoyed and learnt a lot from this lecture. The speaker explained clearly how to design circuits using Arduino software, and how to make the program code for these circuits.
Mr. Praveen spoke about interfacing of various sensors with LORA module. He demonstrated interfacing of soil moisture sensor, leaf moisture sensor and temperature sensor. He explained this by connecting Arduino with different components like Potentiometer, LDR (Light Dependent Resistor). He also discussed the function of a pushbutton.
The afternoon session was a hands-on one, where Mr. Praveen explained how to work with LoRa, with basic calculations. The participants performed hands-on experiments. The speaker also taught how to efficiently send OTAA data through gateway, using IoT.
This session was also handled by Mr. Praveen from Enthu Technologies. He spoke about STEM-32 L072CZ and dash board with cloud. He explained and gave a demonstration on weather monitoring system using IoT LoRa.
The afternoon session was hands-on, where Mr. Praveen showed how to work with various MQTT Protocols which is highly secured for data transmission.
As a result of this FDP, the participants were able to learn about the installation of Arduino IDE, basic programming for Arduino, various communication protocols and the usage of different types of sensors.
They conducted various experiments using Arduino Board - like Relay Module interfacing with Arduino, Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino, Serial communication between PC and micro controller, Messaging on OLED with Arduino, Coding with Node MCU, Controlling devices using phone and Hexa keypad module.
Last but not the least, they learnt how to work on LORA and Cloud Applications, and to connect and control remote devices through ARM-7 and Arduino.