Guest Lecture on ‘Electric Vehicles Impact on Grid, and Entrepreneurship Opportunities in EVs’


Jun 17 2022 ,


8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Default Event

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organized a Guest Lecture on the topic ‘Electric Vehicles Impact on Grid, and Entrepreneurship Opportunities in EVs”. The lecture was organized on 17th June 2022, at Seminar Hall 4. The event started at 9:00 am and concluded at 11.00 am. The 4th and 6th semester students and the faculty of EEE department attended the lecture. The event was presided over by Dr. P Mahabaleshwarappa, Principal, MVJCE, and Dr. Soumya Mishra, HOD, EEE, MVJCE.

Dr. P Mahabaleshwarappa, Principal, MVJCE, addressing the gathering

The lecture was delivered by Mr. Vineeth Muthanna, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder and CTO, Switch Mobility.

Guest Lecture on ’Electric Vehicles Impact on Grid, and Entrepreneurship Opportunities in EVs’: Mr. Vineeth Muthanna delivering the lecture. The event started at 9.00 am with a welcome speech and guest introduction, followed by the Principal addressing the gathering. Following this, Mr. Vineeth Muthanna took over the session. He presented detailed information on Electric vehicles and their impact on grid. He also explained about the entrepreneurship opportunities in the field of EVs.


The students were able to:

  1. Gain knowledge of the fundamental aspects of different electric vehicle systems and their charging.
  2. Identify the adverse impact of high EV penetration to the distribution system.
  3. Use these ideas for their projects and mini projects.
  4. Think about choosing EVs for their higher studies and research.
  5. Understand entrepreneurship opportunities in EVs.