The Department of Physics organized a Guest Lecture titled Quantum Computing and Simulation, by Dr. Apoorva Patel, Professor from Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He has received M.Sc from IIT Bombay in 1980, and Ph.D. from CalTech, USA, in 1989. Since 1989, he has been working in IISc. He has about 100 Papers to his credit, in National/International journals. He has more than 3000 citations. He has expertise in areas of Multidisciplinary Physics, like Lattice Gauge Theories, Renormalisation Group, Light-front QCD, Quark-gluon Plasma Quantum Computation, Languages of Genes and Proteins, and Black Hole Thermodynamics.
The Guest Lecture was conducted on 27.02.2023, at Rajalakshmi Seminar Hall. The students assembled in the auditorium by 10.00 am. The event started at 10.30 am and concluded at 12.30 pm. Approximately 420 students from the Physics cycle attended the Lecture.
Prof. Ancilin introduced the Guest. Honourable Principal Prof. Dr. Mahabaleswarappa P. delivered the welcome address.
Dr Patel started his talk with the basics of quantum computing. He discussed about Qubits, superposition of different energy states, entanglement phenomenon etc. He also discussed about the various industries that are working on quantum computing. Finally, he concluded his lecture by talking about the various applications of quantum computing, in various domains.
The students interacted with the Guest Speaker and cleared many of their doubts regarding quantum decoherence, entaglement, the philosophy behind quantum mechanics etc.
After the lecture, Dr. Bharath, HoD – Physics department, presented a memento to honour the Guest, and wound up the event with vote of thanks.
The participants had a good opportunity to enhance their knowledge in the field of quantum computing and simulation. They were motivated to learn more about the applications of quantum computing in various fields.