The Department of Mechanical Engineering, organised guest lecture on Significance of Metrology and Measurement in Material Testing, on 13/10/2023, at Seminar Hall 5, from 01.30 PM to 04.00 PM. The resource speaker was Dr. Ammanagi Somayya, Head R & D BISS – ITW India Ltd. The seminar was organized for 7th semester ME, AE and AS students. 31 students of 7th sem ME, 25 students of 7th sem AE and 19 students of 7th sem AS participated in the event.
The program was inaugurated by Dr. Shrinivas L Gombi, HoD-ME and Dean (Academics), and Dr. A C Niranjanappa, Professor and Head, Aerospace Engineering, MVJCE participated in the inauguration.
The inauguration followed by welcome speech by Dr. Shrinivas L Gombi, HOD Mechanical Engineering Department, and Dean (Academics), MVJCE, addressing the requirement of such programs to students to equip and nurture them to bridge the gap between the industry-academia.
Guest Speaker Dr. Ammanagi Somayya giving his presentation on Significance of Metrology and Measurement in Material Testing
The guest lecture was initially started by brief introduction about relevant mechanical engineering subjects like, Mechanics of Materials, Material Science, Metrology and Measurements also the importance of Material Testing and metallography laboratory. The guest speaker using case studies explained about the current inspection practice carried-out in the company where he is working. And the speaker also explained the importance of alignment of the specimen while mounting on machine tools.
The guest lecture created an opportunity for students to know about how manufacturing industries to produce zero-defect products, improve productivity, and enhance the image of the company. The quality control engineer should have a sound understanding of the proper selection, measurement, and maintenance of various instruments and devices at his/ her disposal. A clear understanding of practical metrology is essential for design engineers, production engineers, as well as maintenance engineers. Understandably, a laboratory course on engineering metrology and mechanical measurements is an indispensable part of the mechanical engineering.
The guest lecture session was concluded by Dr. Sunil S W, Associate professor, Department Mechanical Engineering, MVJCE, by giving the vote of thanks to the esteemed guest speaker.