Guest Lecture on "Solar Energy - A Power Industry in the Making


Jan 25 2024 ,


10:00 AM - 3:00 PM


On January 25, 2024, a guest lecture titled "Solar Energy - A Power Industry in the Making" was held by Department of Chemical Engineering, with Dr. Chetan Raghuveer, the Director of Enfros Technologies Pvt Ltd, as the speaker. The lecture sought to offer a comprehensive understanding of the present condition and future potential of solar energy as a prominent participant in the electricity sector. Students of III & V Sem Chemical Engineering, V sem Electrical Engineering, & V Sem A Section ECE students have attended the session.
Dr. Chetan Raghuveer began the presentation by providing a summary of the solar energy sector, emphasizing its upward trend in growth, present market dynamics, and future possibilities. The speaker explored the most recent technological breakthroughs in solar energy, providing insights into the innovations that are influencing the industry. These advancements encompassed innovations in solar cells, energy storage, and enhancements in efficiency. Dr. Raghuveer analyzed the significant market developments that are now impacting the solar energy industry. In addition, he discussed the difficulties encountered by the industry and suggested possible remedies to surmount them. The talk featured enlightening case studies and success stories in the solar energy field. These tangible instances offered a pragmatic comprehension of the industry's influence. The focus was on highlighting the environmental and economic advantages of solar energy. Dr. Chetan Raghuveer provided a detailed explanation of how the sector plays a role in achieving sustainability objectives and promoting economic growth.

Q&A Session: After the lecture, the question and answer session provided an opportunity for attendees to interact with Dr. Raghuveer. This program facilitated in-depth examination of particular subjects, enabling participants to get a more holistic comprehension of the content.

The guest lecture on "Solar Energy - A Power Industry in the Making" offered significant insights into the present state of the solar energy sector. Participants acquired a comprehensive comprehension of technological progress, market patterns, obstacles, and the overall influence of solar energy on the power industry.