The Department of Aeronautical Engineering, MVJCE, in Association with the Aerospace Engineering Department, organized a Guest Lecture on `Transport Phenomena in Fluid Mechanics` from 9.30 am to 11.30 am, on 22nd January 2022, in online mode.
150 participants from the Departments of Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering, MVJCE, attended this Guest Lecture. Dr. John Baruch and Dr. Vijaya Kumar R organized the event, along with the Organizing Committee comprising of Prof. Kalyan Yadav and Prof. Gopinath B.
The Guest Speaker for this event was Mr. Hemaraj N R, who is currently serving as Senior Data Scientist at GE-Aviation, Bangalore. He completed his B.E in Aerospace Engineering from Park College of Engineering and Technology, Anna University, Tamilnadu, and obtained Post-Graduation in Aerospace Engineering from IISc-Bangalore. He started his career as Data Scientist at GE-Aviation, Bangalore, after his PG in 2013. His areas of interest include fluid mechanics, fluid dynamics and aerodynamics. Since 2011, he has been coaching students for the GATE exams. He gained practical experience of aircraft instabilities (Dutch roll, etc.) at the IIT Kanpur Flight Training Lab. He has undergone `Green Belt` Training and developed a comprehensive understanding of Lean Six Sigma principles.
Mr. Hemaraj N R started his lecture by explaining about the basics of Fluid Mechanics. He spoke about the importance of Continuity, Momentum and Energy Equations, and shared his experience in Flow analysis with examples of Mass, Momentum and Energy flux with control volume approach. Information about fluid particle as a product of variable and its derivatives in relation to conservative laws was shared. Mr. Hemaraj also explained some regimes of flows where laws of conservation do not get applied. Compressibility effects in supersonic and hypersonic regimes were delineated by the Speaker. The importance of Reynolds transport equation was explained – this is used to recast time derivatives of integrated quantities and is useful in formulating the basic equations of continuum mechanics. The most accurate way to express these conservation laws and conservative relations in continuum mechanics is to use differential equations. Solving these equations that describe transport phenomenon and interpreting the results is an efficient way to understand the system being studied. This methodology is successfully used for studying fluid flow, heat transfer in many fields. Mr. Hemaraj put forth some case studies, too.
He went on to talk about the importance of taking the GATE exam, as it is mandatory nowadays, for taking up jobs in Public and Government sectors like HAL, CSIR Labs, ISRO, and DRDO Labs. The curriculum of GATE coaching and the modality of how to crack GATE exams was also explained in detail. The pattern of questions for this exam was also discussed with students.
Vast knowledge was imparted to the students by Mr. Hemaraj N R. As a result, the students got motivated in the area of Transport Phenomena in Fluid Mechanics. They understood the intricacies of carriage of particle information as a product of variable and its derivatives, which will help them in solving fluid dynamics problems. Students have got encouraged and motivated to take up the GATE entrance exam to further their career prospects, as Mr. Hemaraj has guided them well for taking up this examination.