Industry 4.0, also known as the fourth industrial revolution, refers to the ongoing automation and digitization of traditional manufacturing and industrial processes. This transformation is driven by several key technologies and concepts that enable greater efficiency, flexibility, and productivity in manufacturing and related sectors. In this purview, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, in association with the Department of Chemical Engineering, ISTE, IIEC and IQAC – MVJCE, organized a Two Day Short Term Training Program (STTP) “Industry 4.0” on 08th and 09th September 2023. The STTP was designed to provide insights into the basics and application of Industry 4.0. A total of 95 participants [47 students from Chemical Engineering and 4 faculty members from Chemical Engineering], [36 students, and 8 faculty members from Mechanical Engineering] benefited from this program.
Sessions were conducted in seminar hall 06. Eminent scholars from premier academic institutes and industries were invited to conduct the session and deliver their domain knowledge and expertise in Industry 4.0.
Dr. Santhosh N, Associate Professor and Head of the Department, ME Welcoming the gathering to the STTP.
The inauguration of the STTP began at 10.30 am in Seminar Hall 06. Dr. Santhosh N, Associate Professor and Head of the Department welcomed the Chief Guest, Speakers and all participants to the program and thanked the esteemed management and distinguished Principal of MVJ College of Engineering, Dr. V Suresh Babu, Vice Principal, Dr. M Brindha madam, Dr. Shrinivas L Gombi, Dean (Academics), Dr. A C Niranjanappa, Dean (Research) and the faculty members of the department.
Mrs. Megala Shanmugam, HoD of Chemical Department giving an overview of the STTP
Dr. A C Niranjanappa, Dean (Research) explaining the importance of Industry 4.0 to participants.
Mr. Narendra Reddy, Scientist D CMTI delivering the session
Chief Guest, Mr. Narendra Reddy T, Scientist D, CMTI, Bangalore called upon the faculty members, and young students to understand the need for Industry 4.0. Mr. Narendra Reddy, further highlighted the significance of Industry 4.0. He delivered session from 10.50 am to 01.00 pm.
The session 2 was conducted by Mr. Jayaprakash A J, Innovation Lead, Tata Consultancy Services. He emphasized the need for evolving smart factory setup in the current day practices.
Mr. Jayaprakash A J, Innovation Lead, Tata Consultancy Services presenting the 4 pillars of Industry 4.0
The Day 1 was concluded on a happy note with the participants expressing their heartfelt gratitude to the organizers for organizing the informative Short Term Training Program on Industry 4.0. The students were very interactive throughout the sessions.
The afternoon session on the Day 2 started at 01.30 pm and extended till 03.30 pm with the resource person, Mr. Sunil G S, Manager – MD’s office, Mercedes Benz Research and Development India Ltd., giving an overview of the Industry 4.0 and its importance in automotive industries.
Mr. Sunil G S, Manager – MD’s office, Mercedes Benz Research and Development India Ltd., delivering the session on the components of Industry 4.0.
Participants keenly listening to the session delivered by Mr. Sunil G S
The sessions were very well accepted by the participants and concluded on a learning note with participants expressing their desire to try the data interpretations.
Dr. Santhosh N, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering MVJCE gave an overview of the different sessions and valuable information shared by all speakers. Mrs. Megala Shanmugam, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Chemical Engineering, MVJCE provided concluding remarks and thanked each and every resource speaker for accommodating the sessions in their busy schedules. STTP concluded with vote of thanks to the Management, Principal, Vice Principal, Dean (Academics), Dean (Research), COE and Registrar, and the organizing committee.