In association with ISTE, IIC, and IQAC – MVJCE
The mathematical modelling of a process and its optimization and simulation play a major role in today’s competitive world. There has been substantial advancement in the computing and mathematical modelling of Mechanical Engineering systems.
In this purview, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, in association with the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE – Karnataka Section), Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) – MVJCE, organized a five-day Short Term Training Program (STTP) on MATLAB, from 14th to 18th September, 2021. The STTP was designed to provide insights into the basics and application of MATLAB. 54 participants (25 from MVJCE and 29 from other colleges, universities and reputed organizations, pan India, benefited from this program. The sessions were conducted online (CISCO WEBEX) due to the COVID situation prevailing across the world. Eminent scholars from premier academic institutes were invited to conduct the sessions and share their domain knowledge and expertise in MATLAB.
Dr. Vivekanand B Huddar, HOD & Convenor of the STTP, welcomed the Chief Guest, Speakers and all participants to the program. The distinguished Principal of MVJ College of Engineering, Dr. P Mahabaleswarappa, highlighted the importance of MATLAB for advanced engineering applications. Dr. M Brindha, Vice Principal, and Prof. Vaman B Gudi, COE & Registrar, MVJCE, presided over the Inauguration function.
Image – 1: Dr. Vivekanand B Huddar, Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVJCE, welcomed the Chief Guest, Speakers and all the participants to the STTP on MATLAB
Image – 2: Dr. P Mahabaleswarappa, Principal, MVJCE giving the Introduction to the STTP
Chief Guest, Dr. H K Rangavittal, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BMS College of Engineering, inaugurated the STTP and called upon faculty members, research scholars and young researchers to understand the need for MATLAB, and the coding and simulation that can be done in MATLAB. Dr. H K Rangavittal further highlighted the features of MATLAB that can be used by the participants in their domains.
Image – 3: Chief Guest of the event Dr. H K Rangavittal, highlighting the Application of MATLAB to different domains of Engineering
The Forenoon Session of Day1 began at 10.30 am, with hands-on experience for faculty members and young researchers on MATLAB. Dr. H K Rangavittal, delivered a session on the importance of MATLAB for Mechanical Engineers. He gave inputs on the inbuilt graphics. He also exposed the participants to a large library of mathematical functions required for mathematical analysis of any data in MATLAB. This was followed by a session on Matrix, Vectors, Arrays, and Mathematical Operations in MATLAB, by Dr. Santhosh N, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVJCE.
The Afternoon Session of Day 1 started at 01.30 pm. Dr. Sangamesh Gondegaon, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVJ College of Engineering, delivered a session on Scripts and Functions. He focused on how to write scripts and functions. He highlighted the importance of various syntax used in writing the scripts in MATLAB. Day 1 concluded on a contented note, with the participants expressing their heartfelt gratitude to the organizers, for organizing this informative STP on MATLAB.
The Forenoon Session on Day 2 started with the Resource Person, Dr. Santhosh N, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVJCE, giving a real time exposure on Loops and Functions. He presented an exhaustive overview of MATLAB and explained how to use ‘for loops, if loops, while loops, and if else loops’, while writing scripts, and their functions in MATLAB. The session was very well appreciated by the participants.
The Afternoon Session at 01.30 pm was on Plotting in MATLAB, by Dr. Rajesh Kumar P, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVJ College of Engineering. The session was especially useful for young researchers and faculty to represent their research data, graphically. A lot of learning and knowledge-gathering happened in these sessions and the participants were very receptive to trying the plotting functions in MATLAB.
Image – 4: Dr. Santhosh N, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVJCE, delivering a session on Control Loops, on Day 2
The Forenoon Session on Day 3 started at 10.30 am, with Dr. Santhosh N, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVJCE, speaking on solving Differential Equations using MATLAB. The participants were exposed to an extensive library of functions for solving Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE).
The Afternoon Session on Day 3 started at 01.30 pm, with the esteemed Speaker Dr. Sangamesh Gondegaon, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVJCE, delivering his talk on Optimizing using MATLAB. The talk was very well received by the participants.
Image – 5: Dr. Sangamesh Gondegaon, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVJCE, delivering a session on Optimization using MATLAB, on Day 3
The Forenoon Session of Day 4 which started at 10.30 am was on solving FEA problems by using MATLAB – this session was hosted by Prof. Kiran S M, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVJCE. He demonstrated problem-solving in MATLAB, by writing simple codes for FEA problems.
The Afternoon Session on Day 4 began at 01.30 pm, with hands-on experience for solving problems on Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines, and this session was handled by Dr. Shivashankar Srivatsa, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BMS College of Engineering. The session was helpful for those pursuing research on Mechanics and Mechanisms of Machines.
Image – 6: Prof. Kiran S M, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVJCE, delivering a session on solving FEM problems using MATLAB, on Day 4
Image – 7: Dr. Shivashankar Srivatsa, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BMS College of Engineering, delivering a session on writing codes for Engineering Mechanics in MATLAB
The Forenoon Session of Day 5 which started at 10.30 am, was on solving Fluid Mechanics problems in MATLAB. This session was presented by Prof. Devaraj K, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BMS College of Engineering. He gave an insight into the importance of coding Fluid Mechanics Problems using MATLAB, and also highlighted the triviality of solving Fluid problems in MATLAB. The participants interacted with the Guest Speaker and clarified their queries on some fundamental problems.
The Afternoon Session on Day 5 began at 01.30 pm. This session was on real time problem solving using MATLAB, by Prof. Narahari, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BMS College of Engineering. The session helped participants in many aspects, particularly in writing codes for their research problems, using MATLAB.
Image – 8: Prof. Devaraj K, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BMS College of Engineering, delivering a session on writing codes for Fluid Mechanics problems in MATLAB
Prof. Narahari, Department of Mechanical Engineering, presided over the valedictory function. Dr. Santhosh N, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVJCE, gave an overview of the different sessions and the valuable knowledge shared by the speakers. Dr. Rajesh Kumar P, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVJCE, provided the concluding remarks, and thanked each and every Resource Speaker for accommodating the sessions in the midst of their busy schedules. The STTP concluded with vote of thanks to the Management, Principal, Vice Principal, COE and Registrar, HoD of Mechanical Engineering Department, the Organizing Committee, and last but not the least, the Resource speakers and all the participants. Feedback and Quiz sessions were conducted at the end of the 5th day.
Image – 9: Prof. Narahari, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BMS College of Engineering, thanking the Management, Principal, Vice Principal, HoD and all the faculty members of MVJ College of Engineering for organizing the STTP, successfully
The STTP has enlightened the participants on how to use the MATLAB for writing codes for their research problems, and highlighted the importance of optimization techniques in MATLAB. The sessions have helped our students and faculty members to carry out their research activities using MATLAB.